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Supporting Prostate Cancer UK

On the 6th August, I was honoured to be asked by The Rushcliffe Golf Club and their Captain to help support their Charity Day. This year the chosen charity was Prostate Cancer UK.

As I am now a man of a certain age, this is a cause close to me, so it was a no-brainer when asked if I would sponsor the first hole.

For all of those friends around the world (who are also of a certain age!), I implore you, if you haven't already, to go and have the PSA test at your local doctors. Early diagnosis gives men a much higher chance of survival if the disease is caught early.

The added benefit of sponsorship, to be able to go and enjoy 18 holes of golf, for which I am very grateful, as I am sure there are many 1000's of men around the UK and the world that would love to be doing this now.

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